Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Dr. Yolanda Tabb.

Dr. Yolonda Tabb

Bahrain Schools, PSC
851 Box 690
FPO, AE 09834-0007
United States

+973 1772-7828

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Iman Abouela Teacher Arabic
Glenn Anderson Teacher Science - Biology
Tamala Anderson Teacher Science - Middle School; Track & Field Assistant Coach
Kesi Carter Teacher Business; FBLA; JLS; Middle School Student Council; Sophomore Class; Track & Field Head Coach; Conditioning Club: Falcon Fit
Robyn Carter Teacher LIMM
Yoonsun Choe Teacher Math/ELA; MathCounts
Lee Corey Teacher ELA; Senior Class
Seddiqa Darwish Teacher Arabic
Joshua Dinkler Teacher Video Production; Boy's Volleyball; Junior Class; Video Club, Creative Connections
Philippe Frerot Teacher French; High School Student Council
Sharee Garner School Nurse
Larhone Gayle Teacher Computer Science; Webmaster; NTHS; STEMposium
Eva Giles Educational Technologist Tennis
John Harney Teacher Social Studies
Victor Herrera Teacher PE; High School Student Council, Boy's Basketball, Soccer and Royal Soccer Club
Margaret Herrera Information Specialist (Librarian) Senior Class; Educator's Rising; Library Ambassadors
Claudia Hirugami Military Family Life Counselor
Daniela Jallad Teacher Social Studies
Saundra Kelly School Counselor Middle School; Teacher - ELA
Tim Kelly Teacher Math; Math & Science After-School Support
Krsitina Klimek Administrative Officer
Hai Lamb Teacher Math; Junior class, National Honor Society (NHS)
Kelsey Lambort School Liaison WEBSITE:
Kevin Martin Teacher Art
Kimberly Moneymaker Teacher LIMS; Cross Country
Fatma Myers Transportation
Sonia Naser Special Education Paraprofessional
Mohamed Nesaif Registrar Attendance +973 1772-7828
Carla O’Hanrahan Counselor (MS/HS)
Erika Parvi Teacher Music; Yearbook; Honors Music Festival
Janel Richardson School Psychologist
Donna Rien-Kemp Teacher Spanish & Social Studies; Spanish National Honor Society (SNHS); HS Student-To-Student (S2S); MS Student-to-Student (S2S)
Christine Rinehart Teacher Social Studies; Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (JSHS)
NiaShanta Ross Teacher ELA; Black Student Union
School Meals Program School Meals Program 973-1785-6002
DeAnna Shaw-Berget Teacher ELA; National Junior Honor Society (NJHS); Drama Club; Dramafest
Ashley Shryock Special Education Paraprofessional
Chad Shryock Teacher Social Studies; Model United State Senate (MUSS); Module United Nations (MUN); Girl's Soccer; Speech & Debate; Conditioning Club: Falcon Fit
Charles Shutt Athletic Director Substitute Teacher; Baseball Club
Elaine Spencer School Support Dorm Director
Kendell Stone Teacher PE - Middle School
Sebastian Tavarez Teacher Science - Physics, Chemistry; Girl's Volleyball; Girls Basketball
Cassundra Thomas School Secretary Secretary
Nwakaego Thomas Speech-Language Pathologist
Mark Togonon Supply
Transportation Transportation 973-1772-7828
Marilou Veillard Teacher Math; First Tech Challenge (Robotics)
Nicole Williams School Support Substitute Teacher; Middle School Intermural Sports

School Hours

School Day 8:00 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. (S, M, T, TH) 8:00 a.m. - 1:40 p.m.(Wednesday)
Administration Office 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Sunday - Thursday)  

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent.

Please reserve all calls to the school at other hours to cases of emergency only. After office hours and all day on Fridays and Saturdays, the telephone is put on answering service. A recorded message may be left and will be responded to during the next duty day.

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